Medical Bills

Medical Bills

Filing bankruptcy for medical bills in Charlotte, NC

Do you have a large amount of debt caused by medical bills? Do you feel like you are running out of options? Galletta Law Firm, PLLC is here to help you. Sickness and medical emergencies can happen quickly and without warning. Whether or not you have health insurance can ultimately allow medical bills to pile up to an extraordinary amount. What can you do when your medical debt becomes unmanageable? You can file bankruptcy on medical bills. Medical bill debt is one of the most common reasons that people file for bankruptcy. Don't allow creditors to take actions against you, you and your family are already going through enough. Call 980-859-7115 today to get a free consultation on filing bankruptcy for medical bills in Charlotte, NC.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you have low income or have asses with no equity, then Chapter & bankruptcy might be the best choice for you and your family moving forward. You can file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on a single, substantial debt. Medical debt will be wiped out in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

If you are unable to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, or you are worried that you might lose some of your assets, you can file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, you will pay back a portion of medical debt that you can afford through a repayment plan. The courts will wipe out the remainder of the cost at the end of the case.